I have just posted a new version of the Embedder Plugin.
This time, it’s to add support for embeds in post/page titles and comments.
Any local or global embed can be used in a title automatically (obviously local embeds only works for the title of the post they are attached to). The plugin will also remove all embeds from the title before the it is displayed in the browser title window since HTML is not processed up there anyway. Remember though, the embed will be used everywhere the title is displayed, including the widget displaying the titles of recent posts.
Local and global embeds will now also work in comments, but you have to enabled them first since you don’t want to give users access to all the embeds automatically.
For global embeds, there is a new option you can select on an embed-by-embed basis, available in the Embed settings pages.
For local embeds, all you have to do is add a custom field to the post called embed-comments. You have to set a value for it, but the actual value doesn’t matter. When you add the embed-comments custom field, all local embeds are available in the comments.
One of the things you can use this feature for is to create a set of tags for users to style their comments with. WordPress already allows a limited number of HTML tags in comments (like <b>, <i>, etc.) but if you create a set of embeds for comments, you can provide users with richer (and easier to use) set of formatting features, like lists, colored text, and so on.
Just be careful not to allow any embedded JavaScript (unless you know exactly what you are doing) otherwise you might leave your bold exposed to a malicious hacker.